
Friday, December 31, 2004

Featuring: Stephen Chow, Lam Chi Chung, Yuen Qui, Hsiao Huang
Brief Synopsis: The Axe Gang try to take out Pig Sty Alley in this 1940s comedy.

Comments: I always wonder if these films are better if you don't have to read the subtitles all the time. I'm sure they are. Anyway it was an interesting blend of comedy and at times, brutal axe murders (cut by those lovely Malaysian censors) interdispersed with some serious martial art moves. If I was watching this film by myself on dvd, I'm not sure I would laugh so much but being part of the cinema audience, I found it reasonably enjoyable. The characters were nicely type-cast with their duel personalities in particular the landlady and the tailor. But the mute ice cream seller role was so under-developed that I really didn't feel that it was worth her being in the film. Could have saved a load in wages there!
Thing to learn from this film: Never underestimate the landlady.
Rating: 5.5/10

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