
Monday, November 22, 2004

Featuring: Denzil Washington, Meryl Streep, Liev Schreiber
Brief Synopsis: An army hero to be vice president. But is all what is seems?

Comments: First and foremost, don't watch this film for a good night out. However if you are into consipiracy theories and all that that entails, this is right up your street. It is well done thriller, with the layers of suspense packed onto occassional lingering scary images (how can anyone not wince at the drilling scene) and excellent acting. As a viewer you really can't fault the effort of the director or actors or script writers but I really just couldn't enjoy this well paced film. The viewer is certainly drawn into the life and dilemmas of Ben Marco and his fellow soldiers but fun it aint.
Thing to learn from this film: Is there anything under that scar on your back?
Rating: 4/10

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